A collection of Steampunk props that I have created.
Steampunk rifle, pistol, and holster - full size non-firing props
media: wood, brass, bone hairpipe, leather, clock parts and other found-objects
Steampunk, pistol, and holster - full size non-firing props
media: wood, brass, bone hairpipe, leather, found-objects
Steampunk rifle - full size non-firing prop
media: wood, brass, clock parts and other found-objects
Industrial Blaster detail images - crafted from PVC hardware and found objects.  Hand painted aging
Industrial Blaster prop and Cowcatcher/Headlamp hat decor. 
Materials: PVC, EVA foam, metal hardware, found objects, LED light unit
Photo by Mike Liebner of Dragon's Eye Photography (cropped)
Steampunk Lightsaber Handle
Materials: mahogany, leather, brass hardware, copper wire, glass beads
Steampunk Lightsaber Handle
Materials: mahogany, leather, brass hardware, copper wire, glass beads
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